Our Mission: Provide low-cost, high-impact healthcare solutions to underserviced areas and communities in partnership with K-12 school districts and FQHCs.

Join Schools Like These in Delivering Better Healthcare to Your Students!

How Does It Work?

SchoolHealth Hub® by HEALTHFLEXX:

HEALTHFLEXX will equip each school with the latest wirelessly connected, FDA-approved medical devices and the SchoolHealth Hub® w/LTE, empowering school personnel to collect and transmit a comprehensive set of vitals to remote Nurse Practitioners and Physicians.

What's Included?

- SchoolHealth Hub® (Hardware, Software, & Training)

- VitalFlexx® Medical Devices (Hardware, Support, & Training)

(Blood Pressure Monitor, Health Scale, Digital Stethoscope, Digital Otoscope, Glucose Monitor, 4-in-1 Health Monitor, Pulse Oxygen Monitor).

- OmniMD® Electronic Medical Records System

w/ Tele-health Conferencing.

- ABBOTT® ID NOW & Starter Test Kits

(Strep, Flu, COVID Test).

FQHC Clinic Support:

- Schools will get access to licensed Nurse Practitioners and MDs (ENT, Dermatology, Cardiology, Behavioral Health, or Internal Medicine).

School Responsibilities:

- Provide onsite personnel (School Nurse, CNA, LPN, MA).

- Allocate a dedicated area for clinic equipment (e.g., Nurse's Office).

- Communications with students and parents.

Medical Devices & Tele-health Technology:

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9627 E 153 St

Noblesville, IN 46060

P: 888.243.9102

E: support@healthflexxinc.com

All Rights Reserved 2024. HEALTHFLEXX, Inc